Who Are We? Where Did We Come From?
Who Are We? Where Did We Come From?
I am Anne Boyd, a Christian for 70 years and was married to my Dan for 56 years. Together we
founded God"s Children. From the time we met in our teens at Camp Sheffield, TX, we were
drawn together by a mutual desire to devote our lives in God's service by helping the
hurting. My precious Dan was called Home in 2009.
God blessed us with four children, 8 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. I, Anne, a Trauma
Recovery Specialist, as well as a Parent Trainer, have a BA in Sociology, and MSSW in Social
Work from UT Arlington. I am also CEO of God's Children - this charitable, not for profit 501(c)
(3). I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 40 years and closed my practice to answer God's call
to devote my full time to serving in the mission field again.
In my pilgrimage upon this earth, I served as a missionary 5 years in The Netherlands, and short-term missionary in Alaska, Ghana, West Africa, Holland, Scotland, Yugoslavia, Russia, and Romania. In 2000, I was invited by
Fundatia Agape in Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna County, Transylvania, Romania, to give a
seminar on Parenting. I was invited to come again in 2001 to speak on Identifying Abuse
and Helping the Abused. That led to being invited for longer and longer periods to help the
hurting in that area. In 2007 we sold all of our possessions to move to Sfantu Gheorghe. God's
Children signed on as a volunteer with the Covasna County Red Cross for Anne to continue training the
local therapists and supervise counselling cases. Dan also conducted small group studies to
help the Romanians improve their conversational English. We were thankful that in our
"Retirement Years" we wouldn't "rust out," but, if God wills, serve Him until we "wear out"
and He calls us Home.
In the last few years God's Children, Eastern European Missions and our partner Romanian charities have distributed over 1,500,000 Hungarian, also Romanian language Bibles to the people here. Our work goes well. We have been able to assist both the Romanian and Hungarian peoples
who live here. We have become the primary distribution point for Bibles written in these local
languages in Eastern Europe. With our partners, Healing Hands International and other Transylvanian
charities we are also distributing clothes, school supplies and books to the children of this land as well.
The mission work here in Sf. Gheorghe, Covasna County, is dependent on people with loving hearts who, like
us, want to help the hurting, give them a leg up so they can grow to where they can provide for
themselves, and bring Light wherever they are. For us it has been a life long walk! Thank
you for your support.
Anne Boyd

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What We Do
We devote our time to mentoring those whom God brings to us. We are volunteers for the Covasna County Red Cross. Dan was the Family Counselor. Anne is a Clinical Social Worker who helps people recover from trauma... [ MORE ]
Help Provide a Van to Help Those in Need
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Items needed for Covasna County Red Cross, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania
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